Born in China and living on Vancouver Island. then telling be the antidote won the Tupelo Press Berkshire Prize and was published in 2024. How Often I Have Chosen Love won the Frontier Poetry Chapbook Prize and was published in 2019. She is one of the editors of Ten Thousand Miles of Clouds and Moons: New Chinese Writing, an anthology of translations. She has received the New Millennium Award for Poetry and the Juxtaprose Poetry Prize, and has been shortlisted for the Aesthetica Creative Writing Award, the Artlyst Art to Poetry Award, and the Ambit Poetry Competition. Poems have appeared in The Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry Magazine, Asian American Writers’ Workshop, Poetry Northwest, and more. Prose works have appeared in Granta, Cleveland Review of Books, Socrates on the Beach, 3:AM Magazine, Electric Literature, The Shanghai Literary Review, and more. Poem-films have shown in London, Vienna, New York City, and Athens. Her work has been supported by the Canadian Council for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, and Arts Council Tokyo.
She translates from the Chinese and acts as editor-in-chief of the Chinese-English bilingual literary journal, Spittoon Literary Magazine. She also edits the Asymptote Journal blog.
Xiao Yue is her first name. Shan is her last name. This is how you say it: